East Window invites writers in the Denver / Boulder and surrounding areas to submit your work for an evening of readings of poetry, spoken word and short stories at our new location in North Boulder in November 2022.
Three poets will be selected to read their work in front of a live audience at the event and East Window will offer an honorarium of $100 for each participant selected to read.
This call for writing is open to emerging and established writers who self-identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color, BIPOC or BIPOC-adjacent communities. We welcome submissions from writers within BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities, writers living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and writers living with refugee status.
We prefer works that read for no longer than 15 minutes and the poem or work of writing must be an original work created by the submitter.There is no fee to enter your work and multiple submissions are encouraged.
We will follow up and announce winners of the open call during the last week of October.
We hope to make East Window a safe place for creative expression from all backgrounds and communities.
We are so excited for this opportunity to show talented poets in the North Colorado area. We cannot wait to see the work you have decided to share with our community!
Your submission must include:
• A biographical statement
• Your poem(s) (pdf, google doc or Microsoft word formats)
• Your telephone number, email and any www or social info
• Include “Call for Writing - 2022” in subject line
• Email submissions to:
Deadline for submissions:
October 1, 2022
October 28, 2022
November 11th, 2022
7:00 - 9:00 pm
4550 Broadway
Suite C-3B2
Boulder Colorado 80304
Curated by Emily Berkes
Emily is currently a master's student in Art history at CU Boulder focusing on critical museology in Indigenous visual culture of the Americas. She is most passionate about the repatriation of objects as well as designing more ethical and sustainable museum spaces. Emily implements research, outreach, promotion, organizing and is also East Window's education coordinator.
• Email submissions to: