Become a member of East Window

Your membership helps us continue our efforts to provide accessible venues for exhibits, screenings, workshops and collaborations; produce and distribute catalogs, zines and other publications; administer stipends and to print works by artists exhibiting at East Window.

Membership at any amount per year that feels comfortable to you links you to the East Window community and will keep you updated on all events related to East Window.

Become a member at $40 or more per year and you can choose to receive a Banned Book Club T-Shirt or. . .

Become a member at $40 or more per year and you can choose to receive an East Window Logo T-Shirt (“EASTWINDOW.ORG” is printed on the back).

Become a member at $60 or more per year and you will receive an East Window 15oz mug (“EASTWINDOW.ORG” is printed on the back).

Become a member at $80 or more and you will receive a one year membership to our Banned Book club. With a membership to our Banned Book Club you receive a tote bag as well as a free paperback copy of each month’s book. Banned Book Club meets once a month.

Become a member at $100 or more per year and you will receive free or discounted admission to all museums and galleries who are members of the North American Reciprocal Museums Association. That’s over 1000 participating organizations across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For a list of NARM members click HERE

Become a member at $500 or more per year and you will receive the tote, two T-shirts, mug and one year’s NARM discount card.

Become a member at $1000 or more per year and you will receive all of the benefits of a $500 per year membership + PLUS + additional access to audio / video documentation of several of East Window’s events per year. This may include documentation of opening receptions, screenings, artist talks, poetry readings etc.

East Window donates $25 each month from our membership fees to The Native American Rights Fund as an admittedly small but necessary step toward reparations for the historic and ongoing injustices committed against the Native peoples who first stewarded this territory.

Thanks in advance for your interest in East Window, because of your membership we’ll be able to continue to directly support artists who work hard to create a more socially just, equitable, and accessible world.

Your East Window membership is now tax deductible thanks to our fiscal sponsor The Boulder County Arts Alliance.


East Window is Fiscally Sponsored by Boulder County Arts Alliance